Organised by
dr Hilary Kenna
meeting at IADT
Presentation of Students
Student Presentation of Opera Posters (La Calisto by Cavalli)
Presentation of Students
research and concepts & discussion of International Society of Typographic Design Student Assessment scheme briefs.
David Smith Atelier
Presentation of design work, philosophy and teachings.
Round Table Discussion
Studio visit with Ciarán ÓGaora
The nature of the In Praise of Boredom * session is exploratory and based on subtleties that arise for the participants during the meeting. Subtleties in verbal and non-verbal communication that become an impulse for creative responses. During the session, we are interested in the awareness of withdrawing from actions, examining whether withdrawal is at all possible by scrutinising the impulses that appear in refusal (of actions). Referring to the thought of Joseph Brodsky, we would like to explore the theme of boredom and nothingness, against the backdrop of our experience in the ubiquitous excitement of new media technologies that surrounds us today.
In the second part of the session we would like to focus on the act of speech; speaking as a way of filling in the 'emptiness' or discomfort arising from boredom, but also speaking which enhances boredom, and the specific act of speech - when speaking is limited to the form of a question only.
Some additional thoughts:
1. In Praise of Boredom * is an experimental research session. It is a multifaceted creative activity, open to a reality shaped by the people present, place and their intra-actions.
2. The concept of intra-action reflects what constitutes an internal drive; it is complicated, complex, more internal rather than conditioned, hypertext, referential, other, for others, for no-one, botanical, cultural, simple, obscure and obvious .
3. The atmosphere of the workshop session is close to the concept of a vigil.
4. We are interested in subtlety and an attempt to work with what is happening at a given moment, and work with the current reality of that day
In the era of mass publication on the Internet, low-tech printing methods do not go into oblivion, the opposite - screen printing, riso or even photocopy are becoming more and more popular, not only among artists. During our meeting, we will take a closer look at a few Warsaw’ workshops and small independent publishing studios, whose modus operandi is strictly connected to low-tech printing techniques. We will also go through some study cases of making low-cost publications and complete with short remarks on establishing your own silkscreen workshops and publishing associations. The lecture will be accompanied by a presentation of PJAIT students' works and several publications and zines made by independent publishing houses from Warsaw.
After the lecture, everyone is welcome for a live printing presentation, during which we will be printing on T-shirts and papers. It will also be a time for discussions regarding DIY publishing and low tech printing techniques.
Killmainham Jail
National Print Museum
Until 17:00
National Museum of Archeology
Until 17:00
National Museum of Archeology
Until 17:00
Organised by
dr Hilary Kenna
meeting at IADT
Presentation of Students
Student Presentation of Opera Posters (La Calisto by Cavalli)
Presentation on work and philosophy/approach to poster design
presentation on work, typography, information and book design
Presentation of Students
research and concepts & discussion of International Society of Typographic Design Student Assessment scheme briefs.
David Smith Atelier
Presentation of design work, philosophy and teachings.
Round Table Discussion
Studio visit with Ciarán ÓGaora
In Praise of Boredom: research session
The nature of the In Praise of Boredom * session is exploratory and based on subtleties that arise for the participants during the meeting. Subtleties in verbal and non-verbal communication that become an impulse for creative responses. During the session, we are interested in the awareness of withdrawing from actions, examining whether withdrawal is at all possible by scrutinising the impulses that appear in refusal (of actions). Referring to the thought of Joseph Brodsky, we would like to explore the theme of boredom and nothingness, against the backdrop of our experience in the ubiquitous excitement of new media technologies that surrounds us today.
In the second part of the session we would like to focus on the act of speech; speaking as a way of filling in the 'emptiness' or discomfort arising from boredom, but also speaking which enhances boredom, and the specific act of speech - when speaking is limited to the form of a question only.
On Screen Printing
On Variable Type
until 17:00
Killmainham Jail
Irish Modern Museum of Art – Lucien Freud and Jack B. Yeats Exhibition
Until 17:00
National Print Museum
National Museum of Archeology
Until 17:00
National Museum of Archeology
Until 17:00
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Acency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)