director of Institut für Mediengestaltung / z zg cente timebased design, Vize- Dean Design-Department and Lecturer Digital Media of Hochschule Mainz, Germany
studied Communication Design at the GHS University Wuppertal and worked as Art Director for television stations Arte, RTL and ZDF in departments of corporate design, motion and branding. She switched to Razorfish Frankfurt as Head of the Department Experience Network. Since 2001 she has been teaching as a Professor of Digital Media at the University of Applied Sciences Mainz. Her teaching focuses on applied and experimental projects in the fields of motion graphics, animation and dynamic type. Her main areas of research are in digital media and their presentation within time based design, ar/vr and space.
Professional Experience:
Since 2011 she heads the Institute for Media Design. Among her other responsibilities, she researches and implements projects for museums as well as for the film and media industries. In addition, she is known in the realm of animation for digital, dynamic media as well as moving typography/motion graphics in particular, including the much-exhibited and distinguished retrospective exhibition Moving Types – Letters in Motion. Her emphases for instruction and research comprise applied and experimental structuring solutions with consideration of the moving image and motion design for various output media and output dimensions. She is also the co-founder and curator in the area of art and design and organized the international media festival, MOTYF – Gutenberg goes Media 2016 in the Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz, Germany. Et al with previous festival locations 2013/14 in Warsaw (Poland), 2018 in Dublin (Ireland) and following 2020 in Wellington (New Zealand).
She co-founded the z zg (Center timebased design) in 2010 with Ralf Dringenberg in Germany et al with the digital archive of international moving pictures in the area of dynamic typography named Moving Types – Letters in Motion. The archive have compiled over 800 visual examples of animated typefaces and cited the history of visual animation from the bygone 19th century up to the beginning of the 21st century.
Works (selection):
2005 ongoing: Moving Types – Archive of Visual Communication; 2011 ongoing Interactive Media-Exhibtion “Moving Types – Letters in Motion” Gutenberg Museum Mainz (2011), Dortmunder U (2013), Galerie im Prediger Schwäbisch Gmünd (2011/12, 2014), Frankfurt (2015), Germany; 2011 ongoing Media facades Gutenberg-Museum, Mainz; Dortmunder U (2013), Schwäbisch Gmünd (2012, 2014); 2016/17 VR-Installation ‘Panta Rhei’ (vol. 01), Gutenberg-Museum Mainz; 2018 Media-Installation ‘Room of Names’ in remembrance of the Jewish and politically persecuted victims, House of Remembrance, Mainz, Germany.
Publications (selection):
Ralf Dringenberg, Anja Stöffler (z zg – Mainz/Schwäbisch Gmünd) and Dr. Annette Ludwig (Gutenberg Museum, Mainz): ‚Moving Types - Letters in Motion. A retrospective of the beginnings of film to the present day.’ (Augmented exhibition catalogue), 2nd, ext. edition Mainz 2013 (1. Ed. Mainz 2011), Mainz, Germany, 2011.
Hrsg. Anja Stöffler, Ralf Dringenberg: Gutenberg goes Media. Schrift und Poesie in Bewegung (e-Publication), EPUB3, mobile devices (iOS via iBooks, Android via Adobe Digital Editions), Mainz, Germany, 2017.
Publications – z zg — centre for time-based design
z zg — centre for time-based design – Knowledge base & creative lab
Hochschule Mainz: Mediendesign
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Acency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)