Kanazawa Gakuin Univeristy, Kanazawa
Born in Niigata Prefecture, graduated from the Department of Art Education, Art and Culture of the Tokyo University of Artistic Education (Tokyo Gakugei University), worked as an art teacher and independent artist in Tokyo. Since 2016 works as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities of Kanazawa Gakuin University, where she is involved in the study of artistic education systems in intercultural perspective. Her paintings were exhibited, among others, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, the National Art Center, and the Ishikawa Prefectural Museum of Art. Maki Nagumo has won several artistic awards and is currently a member of the Japanese Association of Women Artists.
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Acency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)