As the current technology allows the co-existence of formality and self-expression, long forgotten practices of written communication may resurface through the resurrection of calligraphic practices. The workshop will focus on introducing to the participants the basic tools and skills involved to produce a simple majuscule and a miniscule Byzantine alphabet. Each student will then experiment in forming a number of simple ligatures involving two or three letters at a time and thus produce a legible to all yet individual set of characters. Patience, perserverance and insipiration are always the key ingredients to success and artistic satisfaction.
Mon & Tue: 14.00 - 18.00
Wen & Thu: 9.30 - 18.00
Friday: 9.30 - 13.00
13.00 - 15.00 – presentation of workshop results
15 students
lined paper, 2 calligraphic pens
pencils, erasers, ruler, masking tape
Tuesday morning - afternoon session:
Majuscule letters exercise & experimentation
Wednesday morning session:
Completion of new majuscule alphabet creation
Wednesday afternoon session:
Miniscule letters exercise
Thursday morning session:
Completion of new miniscule alphabet creation
Thursday afternoon session:
Miniscule ligatured letters exercise & experimentation
Friday morning session:
Completion of new ligatured letters and final presentation of the project
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)
web and identity by Maciej Połczyński
The project is financed by
the Polish National Acency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)